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Enoch Dalby Videos

So far all of his videos seem to be videoclips for the music he produces and places in his soundcloud account

enoch dalby - Epiphany Night

G+ Post

After Epiphany Night, I fell into rabbithole of sorts:

The power unleashed by that hyper-dose of XM, the awareness of every moving part in the universe, the magnificence of what was before me, the tragedy of what was happening around me, the danger, the possibilities. Ideas, patterns, sounds.

I've been processing that singular moment since.

I present: Epiphany Night.

I'll be uploading this to my Soundcloud account in the next few days.

The audio version is found here

Hidden Info

enoch dalby - redemption

G+ post

i know you are in there.

i will find you.

in a place of calm reflection, and redemption.

i present: redemption

I have now uploaded the mixes and stems (isolated instruments) for all three pieces of music I have released so far to my Soundcloud account at

I invite all fellow investigators of exotic matter and the creative power of the portals to take these ingredients and build something new, beautiful and powerful with them.

Share your remixes online with the tag #TuneIngress

I hope that our collective collaboration will enrich and fulfill us, and I would be honored to play your finest remixes at my live performance on December 14th in San Francisco, at the #13MAGNUS Anomaly.

The audio version is found here

Are you awake now ?
Have you opened your eyes to the world around you ?
Has the wonder and beauty of the world broken through the haze ?
Do you see new paths ? New opportunities ?
Do you see a new meaning in your existence ?
You have begun the steps towards Enlightenment !

Focus on each step. See each path that you travel. Look for what is hidden, for what is there…waiting for you to see it. The full joy of the discovery of a portal, one with the power to calm your mind, seeing the true world, to hear the true message, cannot be realised fully until it is shared with others.
Sharing these places is our… calling. Helping others to discover them is our calling. And fulfilling this calling we share the enlightenment and we help humanity advance to it's true and ultimate future.


The portals are our guides. They provide the place for calm reflection were we can hear the true message.


I am only a guide. The power lies within you. Seek out the portals, and find that power.

The reverse audio sections
This audio was not present in the original audio but just in the video.
Thanks to Daniel Van Os we have this cleaned version of just the reversed bits
This seems to be the same audio as 1943 Leningrad

Hidden Info
At one point in the video a series of glyphs is seen

The translation for this message is Help us, lead us, improve us, liberate us.

Also some codes are seen
Braille is seen. Flip horizontally. Regular braille reading to get 4yta5higgss996x

EBAQKDIGECAJJKQANIGJHANEBEGEFKG.Letters to numbers, group, decimal to ascii 4ura5neuralr498u

fhlbsGsSzwcbNvxfUuxzghIeamfTaanGwmccCeKkngMzBbquAtvnlcBhmtrvCedcjiXqfqu. Uppercase = , lowercase a-m = , lowercase n-z = . Morse to text to get 4tzg8hubertw825y

BccCgCBDBFgiCbEjFaFhBEgC . Replace lowercase letters with numbers (a=0). Hex to Base64 to get 6svb9owenw975s


enoch dalby - translation

G+ Post

the synapses fire, finding a perfect new home. this is translation.

I have added the mixes and stems (isolated instruments) for this track to my Soundcloud account at

I invite all fellow investigators of exotic matter and the creative power of the portals to take these ingredients and build something new, beautiful and powerful with them.

Share your remixes online with the tag #TuneIngress


The audio version is found here