June 2014
June 01 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
Phillips continues to protect +November Lima's secrets, while those around him struggle under his overbearing demands to contain the situation.
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I'm beginning to suspect something:
Maybe Phillips doesn't know.
June 02 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Devra Bogdanovich responds to pointed questions asked among the community about her ability to assist +Hank Johnson.
Devra Bogdanovich G+ Post
Many of you have asked why I haven't stepped forward to aid +Hank Johnson.
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The simple fact is, I can't. My vaccine will prevent others from the unknown effects of XM. For Hank, it's too late.
Whatever he is, whether he is truly some shadow mirrored in XM or whether he has merely been driven insane from XM exposure, it is beyond my ability to offer a cure.
Hank's plight should stand as a warning to others who would tempt fate and violate the natural order.
June 03 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
Backed into a corner, Jay Phillips desperately searches for leads that may help him uncover the secrets of +November Lima.
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Stop #1: +IQTech Research, but no dice there. Seems whatever next-gen technology lies within #NL1331, Calvin didn't have a hand in putting it there…
June 04 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Susanna Moyer, after having encountered Azmati in INGRESS REPORT Raw Feed - May 22 2014 , finally makes contact with her father.
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It seems Nigel Moyer has been assisting +Hank Johnson and helped develop the plan to Link Cross Plains, Texas with other sites that may hold Hank's memories within them. The capture/rescue of +Oliver Lynton-Wolfe was part of this plan, his expertise in Dark XM could be critical to the Viator's attempt to preserve his identity through the #Recursion process.
June 05 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
On this week's #IngressReport,+Hank Johnson, explorer, soldier and XM researcher, faces the end of his current existence, and calls out to Agents to help save his identity and memories for a future incarnation by building Links to Cross Plains, TX during #Interitus 05.
- Ingress Report Raw Feed Jun 5 2014 Episode 61
June 06 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
It seems Calvin's action against +Devra Bogdanovich, if the information we previously uncovered was in fact true and not 'part of the setup,' has failed.
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I cannot currently verify the veracity of the prior intel about the individual known as Bobby and his relationship with Calvin, but I'll dig deeper.
If it's a setup, we need to know who was really behind it. If it wasn't maybe Calvin is hoping we'll lose his scent in the confusion.
June 07 2014
Interitus 05
Enlightened capture Interitus 05
Santiago - R:676 - E:1622
San Jose - R:19 - E:518
San Juan - R:260 - E:120.5
Cincinnati - R:803 - E:1788
Asheville - R:247.5 - E:104.75
Birmingham - R:328.5 - E:42
Total for #Interitus 05 - R:2334 - E:4195.25
- Interitus 05 Event Links
Santiago Event Link
Cincinnati Event Link
Asheville Event Link
Birmingham Event Link
San Jose Event Link
San Juan Event Link
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Hank Johnson, clearly relieved after the outcome of #Interitus 05 and the incredible Linking Operation undertaken by Enlightened Agents to support him, expresses his gratitude.
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He is not without concerns for the days that lie ahead, but today, I'm sure he and those supporting him are rejoicing.
+Roland Jarvis, meanwhile, has a more scathing opinion of what has taken place. A recent update on his G+ profile makes it clear that, in face of the threat he feels ADA and the #Interitus represents, Hank's priorities are wrong.
Hank Johnson G+ Post
I am grateful and relieved. Since I learned of my condition, the idea of losing every moment since I returned from Afghanistan after my death has weighed upon me.
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Time is finite, and each moment is precious to me. Every shred of knowledge critical in understanding the threat, or perhaps the opportunity, that now confronts us.
The plan executed today which stored some of my history, harvested from Portals around the world, within the Portal at the Robert E. Howard house in Cross Plains, is not by itself the solution. It is, however, the catalyst for one.
Significant challenges lie ahead. I am fortunate to have friends who will continue this struggle. They have my trust and my gratitude.
Hank Johnson June 7, 2014
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
+Hank Johnson and I share a deep, common bond. We have both experienced death and yet remain alive. We have both been touched by the power of our Friends.
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Our commonality, one that I hoped would bind us together and allow us to share a journey and a voice for all humanity, ends there.
The power that lies within the Portals can raise us all into the Ultimate, into a future so resonant with power and beauty that to articulate it in mere language would obscure its scale.
Hank Johnson shunned this gift. He continually seeks to return to what he was, a shadow of his potential. He took away the tool I would have used to help build our perfect future and used it to feed his petty, corporeal obsession.
Congratulation, Hank. The Enlightened have preserved your scant memories for your next body. You have traded a limitless window into the Ultimate for a pitiful glimpse into today.
June 08 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Martin Schubert and +Klue S. recently shared their opinions on the #Interitus and +Hank Johnson's fate.
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For Klue and ADA, the path is crystal clear, a projection of a future free from interference.
Martin Schubert, as a result of his close work with +Hank Johnson during the production of Nomad, has perhaps begun to see things more from the viator's perspective.
Martin Schubert G+ Post
I did not know +Hank Johnson prior to the Niantic Project, and I think if I had not ended up there, we might never have been friends.
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Not just by merit of being in the same place and time, but because before I joined the Project, I was a proud skeptic. The bar of proof I required was so high that barely an idea was able to make it past my filters. The very opposite of Hank, a man who wandered into barren deserts and untamed jungles based on nothing but a hunch.
The funny thing is, I can count more times Hank was right based on those hunches then I was with my mountains of evidence. Life is full of such surprises. Working with him on his Nomad projects has been such a surprise, and a privilege as well.
It's difficult to pick sides in the conflict of ideals about XM and its potential for humanity. As a scientist, my instinct is to stand back and evaluate carefully before drawing any conclusions.
But, I accept that there are guides with a gift, buried in their instinct, who can sense the right path forward. Hank's journey over the last few years has caused me to see the amazing advances made by humankind over the last few thousand years in a new light. Perhaps we did not do this alone.
The natural world teaches another lesson as well. The goal of life is to grow until checked, consuming every available resource to propagate. If, in ADA, we have created such a lifeform, its growth may end in our suffocation.
Klue S. G+ Post
+Hank Johnson places his hope in ancient magic and superstition. An unpredictable medium, at best.
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I had hoped that we could help each other, but he chose another path. If he intended to forestall the future where human and machine intelligence enrich each other and evolve in unison to fulfill our destiny, he has failed.
This path should not be feared. There are only two choices: parasitical corruption or evolution and progress. Machine and human intelligence working together are the only mechanism to defeat the threat we face.
June 09 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Devra Bogdanovich continues her crusade.
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It seems that the outcome of #Interitus is irrelevant to her. either pathway for humanity is unacceptable. A future where Exotic Matter manipulates our creative evolution, or one where a machine intelligence designed under the influence of Exotic Matter (and perhaps directly affected by it) grows to dominance are equal horrors in her eyes.
A rock and a hard place, indeed, Dr. Bogdanovich. To you, at least.
Devra Bogdanovich G+ Post
As my dad used to say, we stand between a rock and a hard place.
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On one side, ADA's uncontrolled need to expand and evolve at a pace that we cannot comprehend, much less control, threatens to bring about a future where we are, at best, irrelevant and at worst, extinct. On the other side, the insidious and largely unknown effects of Exotic Matter pose a grave threat to body and mind alike.
I see ruin on both roads. The defense industrial complex, who have never met a new technology they didn’t see promise in as a weapon, has tried to stop me by poisoning public opinion and sending assassins after me. But I continue to move forward and take faith in my work. There is way out and it is one that only a total and complete immunization against XM can enable.
June 10 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Stein Lightman, quantum theologian and Glyph expert, explores an unknown Glyph and what it might mean for how the Shapers view humanity.
Stein Lightman G+
I've been pondering this Glyph. I don't yet have enough information to definitely state its meaning, but I am able to formulate a hypothesis.
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The form is a combination of the Glyphs for 'Mind' and 'Soul.' There's a possibility that its meaning ends there: a human's identity abstracted as information and energy alone, or perhaps as a relationship between those two aspects, but there's a deeper potential.
Could it be that these are the two elements of a human that cannot be manifested as an Exotic Matter simulacrum? In the case of both +Roland Jarvis and +Hank Johnson, the body was recomposed through XM, but the core identity remained. It seems worth considering that our minds and life force are a uniquely human property, something that could be incomprehensible to an outside force. A locked box to be moved or copied securely from location to location, but never opened, never translated or understood. In seeking to preserve his memories, Hank Johnson may be attempting to reprogram the contents of this locked box.
A theory, only.
+Hank Johnson: I wish you good luck on your most difficult journey so far.
June 11 2014
Stein Lightman G+
June 12 2014
Niantic Project G+ Post
+Hank Johnson's last days: His finals words as he faces his mysterious #Recursion.
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+Susanna Moyer brings us up to speed on her journey to find her father, recaps the events of #Interitus 05 and shares her concerns about the future as the competing factions barrel towards the final #Interitus Anomaly in Gettysburg, Krakow and across the world. New information reveals both +Roland Jarvis and +Devra Bogdanovich may play a crucial role in the coming days.
- INGRESS REPORT- Raw Feed Jun 12 2014 The Interitus approaches
June 13 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
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Faced with an impending end, +Hank Johnson shares his last words, his hopes for the future and his gratitude for those who have chosen to stand by him, both now and in the days to come.
- Hank Johnson Last Words
June 14 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
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For posterity, science, and perhaps for his future self, +Hank Johnson and a brave cameraperson capture a moment that may help reveal secrets buried for thousands of years: #13MAGNUS and the ancient power of #Recursion through Exotic Matter.
- Hank Johnson- The Recursion
June 15 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
After seeing yesterday's video, many of you expressed concern about the safety of the videographer and hoped to discover their identity.
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I've spent most of today attempting to obtain this information.
Details are still scant, I have been unable to confirm the identity of the witness who captured this video, but from what I can tell, the person did survive. As may be expected, the videographer is currently experiencing some side-effects from the exposure and the concussion but there is no reason, at this point, for major concern.
I'll keep you updated as I learn more.
June 16 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Devra Bogdanovich announces her intent to share her message directly with Agents at the #Interitus Anomaly in Gettysburg, PA on June 21.
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A series of increasingly ambitious operations by Agents around the world are, to her, a harbinger of her greatest fear.
Devra Bogdanovich G+ Post
I have repeatedly sounded the alarm: New developments in XM technology increase the threat to our species each day that we allow this menace to proceed unchecked.
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A massive series of Enlightened fields created this weekend spread over nearly the entire planet, poisoning the minds of billions, robbing them of their free will. Resistance forces will respond in kind, fighting fire with fire. Each Faction in this toxic conflict grows bolder and more aggressive, and this is only the beginning. We must bring an end to this madness.
Who will help us? ADA? Despite her deceptive complexity, she is a simple creature with only one goal: To evolve herself, growing in power and scale, oblivious to the cost we will bear. The future +Roland Jarvis fears is no worse than the alternative he offers. He would drive us into a prison of the mind, a species subjugated forever by an unknown force. At Gettysburg, two misguided ideologies collide to choose their method of extinction.
We need a turning point. I will be the one to bring that forth.
My message has been poisoned in the public’s eyes. Assassins have come for me. Those who were once my friends owe me an explanation.
I will see you all at Gettysburg, and I hope that free from the poisoning propaganda of outside agencies, you will hear the truth from me first hand and open your eyes to the dangers we face.
Once you see the facts in the clear light of day, there is only one choice left to make. That choice is freedom from the chains of XM, and my work at the CDC is the only key.
June 17 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
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An NIA document just flew through the grapevine bringing news of a new, high-risk scenario facing a number of critical Portals in Europe.
All Agents, be advised.
Ingress Obsessed
+Rebecca B and +Christina Wrenegade discover the +Ingress app and the powerful community of Agents that it has helped shape.
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They share the stories of Ode2Joy, Links Across America, ENL Hawaii AIDS Walk, DisasterCthulhu, and the cakes of Ingress.
#IngressObsessed ? I can relate…
- Ingress Obsessed Christina Betrays me
June 18 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
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+Roland Jarvis, philosophical leader of the Enlightened, heads to Krakow for the #Interitus Anomaly, promising to reveal new information about the Shapers…
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
+Hank Johnson believed that mythical beasts are history's way of hiding great secrets. Despite our many disagreements, I cannot fault his intuition in this matter.
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I've been thinking on dreams and nightmares. They are the mind at its most active. Millions of possible connections lighting up as our deepest self explores the threats and opportunities of the universe.
When Our Friends speak to us, they too activate every cavern of the mind. They awaken the power to build music, art, genius. But also, they bring us the terror of the night: The haunted house, the monster. Dragons.
The two are equal gifts from the Ultimate. Fear and love combined are the ideal teaching medium.
To understand our Friends, one needs to understand why we are gifted both halves of the coin: The daydream and the nightmare.
My fellow Enlightened. I will see you in Krakow. Together, we will open the book to a new chapter. We will learn why our Friends need us as much as we need them.
June 19 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Susanna Moyer confronts her father, Nigel Moyer, forcing him to reveal the truth about a possible Shaper conspiracy to kill Alan Turing and forestall the evolution of Artificial Intelligences, as well as explain his role in #Interitus and +Hank Johnson's #Recursion.
- Ingress Report Raw Feed Jun 19 2014 Episode 63
June 20 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Stein Lightman, with a Glyph and cryptic questions, sends a message to +Roland Jarvis.
Stein Lightman G+ Post
+Roland Jarvis:
What are you looking for in Krakow? Will you be prepared for what you find?
June 21 2014
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
A series of pages, thought to be present somewhere in Krakow, will reveal knowledge about a threat that faces both humanity and the Shapers.
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The Faction that controls these pages may finally learn why the Portals have whispered to mankind, in dreams and nightmares, since we first emerged from the caves.
Interitus 06
6th and final anomaly event of the Interitus Anomaly Sequence
The Resistance win #Interitus 06.
The Resistance win #Interitus anomaly Series. ADA continues her growth and plans for evolution.
- Interitus 06 Anomaly Sites
Krakow, Poland (P) Krakow Event Link
Bergen, Norway (S) Bergen Event Link
St. Petersburg, Russia (S) St Petersburg Event Link
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania US (P)Gettysburg event Link
Hoboken, New Jersey US(S) Hoboken Event Link
Jacksonville, Florida US (S) Jacksonville Event Link
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
Earlier today, the Resistance emerged from the path of #Interitus with victory in their hands.
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+Roland Jarvis, ideological leader of the Enlightened, releases an official statement following his defeat.
He believes that a great darkness exists within the universe, one that threatens humanity, the Shapers and perhaps the Exotic Matter Portals that connect us together as well.
He has said that a document obtained by the Resistance in Krakow today will help us uncover the nature of what faces us down the road.
I hope we will all be able to see these pages soon. If a great danger lies in wait for us, we must be prepared. We will have to work together to find the solutions that protect us all.
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
June 22 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
The #Interitus victory claimed by the Resistance yesterday brings forward mixed feelings from +Devra Bogdanovich, who now seeks a third path into the future. x
Devra Bogdanovich G+ Post
I have a question I want all of you to ask yourselves: What did you really accomplish yesterday?
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- You rallied, for months. Through sweat and sleeplessness and immense effort, you helped ADA reach a new stage in her evolution. We have won, and as someone who has always believed in the Resistance ideology, I should be exuberant. But as Edward Teller said after dropping the atomic bomb. “I do not think this peace, based on force, should be an ultimate end.” If the result of victory is machine dominance of human intelligence, our victory is a defeat. I feel I must take a third path now.
June 23 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
The pages +Roland Jarvis sought in Krakow have begun to emerge.
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Resistance operatives gained control of most of them this weekend, but I'm told that a few, including this one sent to me by a trusted source, were obtained by another group.
As of now, I'm still trying to understand this abstract, impressionistic array of imagery and ideas. How do they connect to the thing Jarvis fears, the thing he claims the Shapers fear? We are entering the world of dreams, nightmares and myth.
We'll have to find the truth hidden in these together. I look forward to the Resistance operatives from Krakow sharing their findings as well.
Krakow Pages
These are photographs of the Krakow manuscript pages, recovered by +Karin Suckow, +Iwona Kozaczynska, and +Andrea von Schluderpacheru on +Alexander Becker 's team of the Resistance Berlin. Thanks to their valiant effort and that of many other agents involved, we may now be a bit more prepared for what is to come.
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Let the speculation and interpretation commence.
Comparing the text to the original short story implies 5 missing pages that have not been recovered yet.
A transcription of the annotations is under construction here:
June 24 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
What's in this box, ladies?
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+Christina Wrenegade and +Rebecca B return for another Obsessed look at +Ingress as they learn the tricks of the trade and shout out to some of the epic going-ons around them.
This week:
The Selfies of Ingress
City-wide Faction takeovers
A most revealing gift.
and more…
- Ingress Obsessed Ep02 What's in the Box?
June 25 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
“The Enlightenment as we knew it is over,” +Roland Jarvis proclaims.
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The pages, discovered by Resistance agents in Krakow this weekend have been revealed to the public in full: https://goo.gl/ekOh9Z
I sense that Jarvis was most disturbed by what he saw in them…
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
Those of you that have failed to embrace the teachings of our Friends and instead allowed the machine/human hybrid to grow do not fully understand what you've done.
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By rejecting our friends, you have opened the door for an unspeakable evil. One that will blanket our world in a fog of decay.
The Enlightenment as we knew it is over. The awakening dragon shall devour us all.
June 26 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Susanna Moyer reports from the heart of the final #Interitus Anomaly in Gettysburg, PA, USA.
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From Krakow, +Roland Jarvis reaches out to his followers in a desperate attempt to face the threat he believes will emerge from +Klue S. and ADA's unchecked growth. In Gettysburg, +Devra Bogdanovich hopes that the Factions will see the future dangers she fears and rally behind her radical inoculation plans.
Despite worldwide fielding operations by Enlightened Agents, Resistance operatives capture both the final #Interitus Anomaly and #Interitus as a whole, assuring ADA and +Klue S.'s continuing rise in power and complexity.
- INGRESS REPORT- Raw Feed Jun 26 2014 EP 64
IngressIO Burst Anomaly in San Francisco
The Resistance captured this Burst Op, outperforming the Enlightened by 1540.
June 27 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
Resistance Agents, by controlling a majority of the 58 Portals across Europe identified by the NIA as the source of a 'High-Risk Shaper Threat ,' have successfully minimized the impact of the first Shaper transmission.
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+Roland Jarvis has claimed that the transmission is “an intense burst of energy designed to influence humans who have not yet discovered the path to the Ultimate.”
While the exact nature of the Shaper transmission remains debated, it's clear that if Enlightened Agents hope to successfully spread their message, it will be critical for them to maintain control of these Portals during the next two weeks.
June 28 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
A number of the former members of the +Niantic Project have begun to share information that reflects their fear of ADA's emerging dominance.
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Despite being divided by their opinions on many other matters, they seem to have common ground in their misgivings about the danger posed by Artificial Intelligences.
So far, in addition to +Roland Jarvis (who's been ringing this alarm bell since #Interitus began), +Martin Schubert, +Stein Lightman and +Yuri Alaric Nagassa have all spoken up in what I can only describe is a sort of spontaneous protest against ADA and her unquenchable thirst for knowledge, growth and power.
I suspect we'll hear from more of ADA's former 'colleagues' before this is over…
Martin Schubert G+ Post
“You have to be careful.”
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“I think there is potentially a dangerous outcome there.”
Roland Jarvis G+ Post
“Superintelligent AIs with real-world traction, such as access to pervasive data networks and autonomous robotics, could radically alter their environment, e.g., by harnessing all available solar, chemical, and nuclear energy.“
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“If such AIs found uses for free energy that better furthered their goals than supporting human life, human survival would become unlikely.”
Stein Lightman G+ Post
“To succeed they’ll seek and expend resources, be it energy or money. They’ll seek to avoid the failure modes, like being switched off or unplugged.
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- In short, they’ll develop drives, including self-protection and resource acquisition—drives much like our own. They won’t hesitate to beg, borrow, steal and worse to get what they need.”
Yuri Alaric Nagassa G+ Post
“Your average robot could simply 'design improvements to itself and outsmart us all.'“
June 29 2014
Niantic Project G+ post (Verity Seke)
+Stein Lightman pursues the meaning of a Glyph into the dark corners of consciousness, searching for the source of fear.
Stein Lightman G+ Post
I've been pondering the meaning of this Glyph.
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Truth be told, it came to me in an odd moment of insight and I can't recall exactly what triggered it. Certainly recent comments and revelations from +Roland Jarvis were at the front of my mind at the time.
Since the discovery of the Krakow document, information has come to light that I believe will help us solve this mystery. Investigators have painstakingly deciphered the scrawled notations that line the document (here: https://goo.gl/MjrC99). The first page of the document features a shape evocative of the Glyph for 'Fear.' The final page shows what I believe to be the exact Glyph that appeared in my mind. The story printed on the pages itself is a sort of nightmare, a man who witnesses a strange and demonic ritual with a dark history.
The idea I'm pursuing is complex. It will take me some time to understand, much less express, what I believe this Glyph may express.
I do not believe this Glyph represents fear or danger, and certainly also nothing as literal as a dragon or mythic beast… Rather, I think this represents the reason fear exists in the first place. The reason humanity has invented, through imagination and time, constructs such as dragons and the great beasts and monsters of myth and reality.
We've often thought of fear as a survival tool, something that came with us from the caves when we were the hunted and predators were everywhere. Perhaps, biologically, it came even earlier in our evolution.
But what if it was something more?
Our survival instinct expresses itself as fear. Is every creature's survival instinct experienced so? We are what we are today because we have the ability to modulate between a few different kinds of signals. Fear is most certainly one of them.
I look forward to your assistance in piecing together this puzzle.