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Recursion (03/2014)

Mar 01 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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A lost camera from the filming of Hank Johnson's NOMAD - #13MAGNUS episode was recently recovered at a night bazaar in Karachi.

The finder claims to have received a large wire transfer in exchange for 'destroying the SD card.'

I've obtained a copy of the footage. I expect ADA obtained a replica of the data on the card before ordering its destruction.

The person in Karachi promised that it 'had to be seen to be believed.'

I'm afraid to say he's right.

Reportedly, Klue showed this video to players at the #Recursion Anomaly in Nashville today.

Her words to them: “Enlightened Agents, give up the pursuit of the Artifacts. Hank Johnson is dead…“


Hank Johnson is dead

Detailed Dossier

Selected comments
Devra Bogdanovich this can't be true.

Yuri Alaric Nagassa I agree with some of the other Investigator's comments. This must not be what it seems, there must be something more.

My fear is that that is merely denial, the first stage of grief.

Mar 02 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

Misty Hannah G+

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I watched the video like all of +Hank Johnson's friends did and I would like to say I was shocked, but it seems I saw that headdress in my visions and the cave. I feel Hank as both a presence and an absence. There has been no contact.

Detailed Dossier

Stein Lightman G+

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Everything about this video tells me that this is an extension of the video shown at 13MAGNUS, but I am not a video analyst.

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But that, in and of itself opens a palace of its own puzzles. It is beginning to seem to me, and this is just an opinion, that everything we were told about 13MAGNUS is true.

Detailed Dossier

Yuri Alaric Nagassa G+

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For now, I am clinging to the hope that this is a hoax or that there is some explanation for what I am seeing on the video that undoes the apparent truth of it.

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But there is one small piece I can add to this. My friends in the mountains heard the audio off of my computer playback and began chanting along with it, as if they had heard it all before. I asked them about it, and they said, 'dead voices talking.'

Detailed Dossier

Mar 03 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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UPDATE - March 03 2014


Detailed Dossier

Mar 04 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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+Thomas Greanias has shared the first five pages of previously unreleased work co-written with +Hank Johnson, revealing some of what happened in Cross Plains, Texas last summer.



Thomas Grenias G+ Post

Just wait until Antarctica warms up ala Raising Atlantis….

Below the fold
More to come soon on the fate of our Hank Johnson.

#ingress #alignment


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OK, this is a tough one to post. As one who likes to hold out hope for the best, and who believes nobody is truly “dead,” I must now confirm that Hank Johnson has passed from this world to the next.

As many of you know, Hank and I had been working on a big official novel to explain Ingress to the world in a format that would pass government redactions. I had wrapped the manuscript up—or so I thought—only a few weeks ago. But its release in its current form is in doubt as I now must pick up the pieces Hank has left behind and write a new ending.

But with the Austin, Texas anomaly coming up, it seems only fitting to honor Hank and his untold work after the Cross Plains “glyph” event last year.

It's time that story be told.

Here are the first five pages of Hank's further adventure, some of it recasting what you may already know, with more of the story you don't know to follow.

Thomas Greanias
#ingress #alignment

June 6
Cross Plains, Texas

Nobody winds up in Cross Plains, Texas, by accident, thought Hank Johnson. You have to be drawn there or driven there by some cosmic force. And if you’re actually born there, then that’s no accident either. Hank stood before the tombstone of E. Howard’s grave and stared at it as if it were his own.

Would this be his fate if he succumbed to the effects of the Dark XM now coursing through this mind and body?

He was here to find out.

As fate would have it, he had arrived in town in time for “Robert E. Howard Days,” a festival held yearly to coincide with the anniversary of the horror writer’s death. It was the way Howard died, or rather the madness that consumed him just before, that prompted Misty Hannah to suggest that Hank investigate

Howard’s correspondence with his fellow pulp writer and penpal Howard Phillips Lovecraft, better known as H.P. Lovecraft. Somehow, Hank suspected that Carrie Campbell, being the semiotician and all, was the real source all along, using Misty to plant the bug in his ear. Either way, it worked. He was here, hoping to find a clue that confirmed his exposure to the ancient Shaper glyphs he had seen when he was exposed to Dark XM with his pal astro-archaeologist Conrad Yeats beneath the Luizi Crater in the Congo.

His working theory was that similar glyphs to what he saw may have set off Howard and Lovecraft on their horrific descent to death. By inference, of course, Hank, too, could well be on a similar path, which would explain his obsession beyond a thirst for answers.

Could Howard and Lovecraft both have experienced XM in the form of madness? Did their exposure to Shaper glyphs enhance their literary creativity—or possibly trigger their madness before they died? And could he himself suffer the same fate?

Hank had to find out.

Howard was the more famous of the two writers for creating “Conan the Barbarian,” “Red Sonja,” “Solomon Kane” and “Borak” for the pulp magazines, and most notably “Weird Tales” in the late 20’s and 30’s. But it wasn’t those stories that interested him now, but rather his lesser known horror tales because they overlapped with Lovecraft’s: “The Black Stone,” “The Stone Man,” “The Cairn on the Headland,” “The Children of the Night,” “The Fire of Asshurbanipal,” “The Dark Man,” and the “Valley of the Lost.”

While the official story was that the Cthulhu Mythos and the Necronomicon were flights of fancy cobbled together by Lovecraft, and that later on Howard jumped in on the fun, Hank suspected that the truth was a bit darker. Okay, he more than suspected it. Misty tipped him off to the idea that Lovecraft had access to books in the ancient glyphic language, or had come upon them in his occult research, and for one reason or another he had concealed his true source, fictionalizing it as the Necronomicon. But Lovecraft’s search for evidence of the ancient writings and their meaning was very real.
And so was his.

Hank heard a snicker behind him and turned to see a hunchbacked little Mexican shoveling spades of dirt at a freshly dug grave. He was a bizarre figure, sniveling and snorting, like a character out of a Lovecraft or Howard novel.

“And who are you supposed to be?” Hank asked him.

“The grave digger, senor,” he said with the oddest accent Hank had ever heard.

Maybe he wasn’t even Mexican, Hank decided, but some weird Indian off the reservation or something. Whatever he was, he was damn ugly. And weird. Yet there was something oddly, horribly familiar about him in an evil, twisted way.

“I dig the graves. I dig one for you, you want.”

“Maybe another day,” Hank said and left the graveyard behind, and the demented hunchback howled like a hyena to the setting sun.

Hank caught a lucky break the next day in Cross Plains. His search for the lost letters had come up dry at the local library and museum, but a local benefactor told him that the letters were discovered during maintenance at the Howard home, as if Howard or surviving family members had hidden them. Hank could only speculate on that, but was thrilled to have them for a night.

There were three yellowed and worn letters, folded and bound by a string, which Hank carefully untied inside his room at the local inn.

The first letter was comprised of two pages, with blocks of typewritten text. Hank picked it up with trembling fingers and began to read:

Dear H,

I plan to return to the mine as soon as Mother heals up a little bit. It should be soon; my father is a doctor. There’s no telling what I’m going to run into out there: Comanche holdouts, holed up bank robbers (don’t laugh, times are tough here), and other treasure hunters who might not take kindly to my search. A friend of mine said he would loan me a gun. I’m of two minds about whether to go myself or take on a partner. The problem with partners is they can talk, and they’ve been known to get greedy.
As you and I both know, the silver is the least of it, but what a thrill it would be to find the actual mine that Jim Bowie, by some accounts, got a look at. Perhaps he left his knife in there. That would be a great souvenir to have on my desk next to Cleopatra and my Underwood, to hold papers down during twister season. That’s right, you don’t have twisters back East. I wonder how they compare to northeasters. One of these days, I will have to travel back there and meet you man to man or writer to writer. I would greatly look forward to meeting Smith, too.

I learned something intriguing about Jim Bowie while talking to an old man in town. He says his grandfather actually went with Bowie and fought alongside him at [BLOTTED OUT]. This may or may not be true, but my estimation of him went up a notch when he poured out a detail that isn’t publicly known. He said he’d heard talk when he was a kid that Bowie had more than just patriotic reasons for going to the Alamo. Speaking strictly for myself, the fight would have been enough to get me to saddle up, standing there next to Crockett, Travis, and Bowie himself. Staring down the entire Mexican Army dressed up like Napoleon’s Grande Armee would have been a heck of a sight, even if it was the last thing you ever saw.

Here’s the latest lead. As I said before, and you read in Dobie, the Spaniards had a rich silver mining operation that they inherited from the Indians, who, of course, didn’t really mine, but picked nuggets up off the ground and hammered them into crude jewelry. The Indians inherited this practice from other people, the “Anazktec,” of whom little is known.

The Spaniards made a haul but were constantly harassed by the Comanches, a brave and vicious race, not unlike the Vikings of the desert, who still raid and pillage in some sparsely civilized parts of the state. At some point, the Comanches overran the Fortaleza, and the Spaniards hid the aforementioned silver and made tracks. It is said that they took with them a map and a number of other documents pertaining to the mines, so that they might be found again, as they had removed all trace of their whereabouts.

That map, along with, more importantly, artistic reproductions of petroglyphs and “advanced writings in some unknown language,” like a primitive version of an illuminated manuscript, were then carried to San Antonio. There, as legend has it, they were left for safekeeping, should the Spanish be killed by the Comanche on their way to Mexico, where they were headed to request more conquistadores, harquebuses, and other things useful to warding off attackers.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. I believe that Bowie went to the Alamo to find the lost maps and documents because rumor had it that the mines he’d seen were just a glimpse of a vast, hidden mineral wealth.

I wonder if, in those last days of his life, Bowie ever found these documents. Were they in the room with him when he died killing Santa Ana’s men with his Arkansas toothpick, or did he put them back where he found them so that they might escape fire and theft? Maybe, just maybe, they’re still hidden there, waiting to be found by yours truly. I thought they would be of great interest to you because I suspect that the copied artworks might contain something from that lost language you keep talking about in “Necronomicon.”

By the way, a local pastor told me that translates to “Book of the Dead.” Not that I am in high standing with him, since he was decidedly disturbed by some of my weird stories. “[BLOTTED OUT]” is probably at the top of his list of offending tomes.

Well, I have much to prepare before my journey. I also have to make sure Father can spare the care for a night or so. As I told you, doctors are in short supply in Cross Plains and environs.



Stein Lightman G+

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I am suspecting that +Thomas Greanias post will harvest a great deal.I must return to my glyph analysis, please post anything of interest from the new chapter.

Detailed Dossier

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Certain patterns seem to follow #13MAGNUS .

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Could this be their symbol?

Could #Recursion be an aspect of #13MAGNUS ?

Detailed Dossier

Susanna Moyer G+ Post

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Relics in mysterious XM Vaults…

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All the strange and disquieting news about +Hank Johnson… Rumors about something called #NL1331 …

I'm headed to Austin to investigate.

See you at the Anomaly, Agents.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 05 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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As promised, +Thomas Greanias delivers more of +Hank Johnson's story from Cross Plains.

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The next Anomaly is only days away, and the Resistance have obtained control of the 'Creativity' Artifact. Much remains to be learned about how these Artifacts will define the future for ADA, +Klue S. and +Hank Johnso

I expect this weekend will be revelatory.


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The Resistance have captured the first #Recursion Artifact.

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With two more having arrived on US soil late yesterday, the temperature is beginning to rise.


Thomas Grenias G+ Posts

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More pages from Hank Johnson's untold story….

#RIPHankJohnson #HankJohnson #ingress #alignment

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Hank set the pages down on a table next to the fireplace and picked up his bottle of Russian River Pliny the Elder and took a swig. Lost languages. Symbols. Howard had to be talking about glyphs. Glyphs that went back ages. Glyphs perhaps of Shaper origins. Glyphs like the ones he saw beneath the Luizi Crater.
He picked up the Lovecraft letter, which Lovecraft wrote in reply to Robert E. Howard’s letter. This one was also typewritten, on a single sheet of paper, with symbols Lovecraft had drawn at the bottom.

Dear R:
I look forward with great interest to hearing of your upcoming exploits. There is a pronounced shortage of Comanches in my area, most likely because they have been run off by the particularly murderous breed of debt collector who has recently descended upon [BLOTTED OUT] and me. Damn my father for squandering the family fortune on drink and dice.
I will sketch some sample glyphs from the Miskatonic documents so that you might compare them to whatever you find. Please keep them secret, not only because of the occult nature of our work, but also because they seem to draw unwanted attention.
I hesitate to write this because I do not want to unnecessarily worry you, but shortly after my visit to the special collections area of the University library, I was visited by some men who were curious about my interest in such things. They claimed to be researchers, but they did not seem academic, at least not in the normal sense. These were hard men who appeared to be weighed down by an unseen burden. They had the sallow, haunted look (which I fear I have been developing as well) of men who have gazed too hard at things that should not be gazed at. They seemed to be well-versed in my work, yet they were definitely not typical WEIRD readers.
For your own safety, I would not recommend staring too long at these symbols. Also, if you choose to write about these matters in your fiction, be sure to disguise them. You don’t want to draw the wrong kind of attention.
In less apocalyptic matters, have you any recommendations for new publishers now that WEIRD is dead? I am having little luck with New York literary houses who, despite the fact that they understand the popular appeal of our fantastical literature, seem embarrassed to publish it.
All good wishes.

Hank stared at the glyphs. He had seen them before. He had actually written them down for Carrie Campbell and given them to Misty Hannah, who in turn had handed them off to Klue.
Hank took another swig of his brew and picked up the final letter, which was Howard’s reply to H.P.


Dear H.
I went up to Caddo Peak and saw a green flash at sunset. That’s when it snapped. I made the journey. It is better that I not write of it. This letter could fall into the wrong hands. We must meet in person. I have been visited. Nightmares. Waking nightmares. Glyphs match across space and time. I don’t know whether to leave them on the pyre or hide them. I have noticed new abilities. I have had strange ideas, even for me. Have you been experiencing this?
If they catch up to me, and if you are able, find out about the Bowie place I mentioned in my last missive. And hide that missive. Just in case.
Yours sincerely,


Hank put the final letter down with the other two. There could be no doubt that Howard was enlisted in his Shaper Glyph quest by Lovecraft, in the same way he himself had been by Carrie Campbell. And that shortly before his death by suicide, Robert Howard went in search of the fabled San Saba mine.

“And now so must I,” Hank thought to himself, before he did a faceplant on the table and passed out for the night.

It was the shouts that woke him up the next morning, the final day of “Robert E. Howard Days,” and he blinked his eyes open as shafts of sunlight illuminated the letters on the table.

He slowly got up and walked over to his window. He looked out across the main road and saw the crowds at the Howard house. Dozens of Ingress players and other festival attendees stood with their cameras. Even a couple of hobby drones hovered overhead.

A minute later Hank ran over and saw for himself what all the commotion was about: A gigantic glyph had magically appeared on the back yard grounds of the Howard house.

And it wasn’t just any glyph. It was the Shaper symbol from his nightmare. The one that had also seared itself on Carrie Campbell.
“Has to be a prank,” somebody said. “Maybe one of the Shaper cultists.”

That’s what Hank thought, except that until that moment it was known to nobody but him and Carrie Campbell.

Hank looked up at the skies. Storm clouds were moving in, which meant it was time for him to move out and find the lost San Saba mine like Robert E. Howard before him. There, Howard saw glyphs of Shaper origin and went insane. But Hank too had seen these kinds of ancient “black” glyphs associated with Dark XM beneath the Luizi Crater, and he had not gone insane.

Or had he?

The next step on his quest would prove it one way or another.

A light drizzle began to fall on Cross Plains as the “Robert E. Howard Days” came to an end and the weekend tourists dispersed.
As Hank Johnson’s car left Main Street headed south, the hunchback from the graveyard, carrying his shovel on his shoulder, walked up to a shiny Dodge pickup, tossed his shovel into the flatbed, and climbed into the forward cab next to the tall and once again dark-skinned driver.

“He’s going to lead us to San Saba,” he said as he worked his deformed lips.

The tall man looked down at him and frowned. “Stop talking Chinese. I can’t understand a word you’re saying.” Then he turned the ignition, shifted gears, and followed Hank Johnson out of town into the desert.

June 8
Texas (USA)

The effects of the glyphs on his own person were evident to Hank immediately upon leaving Cross Plains, because somehow, and he didn’t know how exactly, he had a clear idea of where the lost San Saba mine was located, even though he couldn’t find it on any map. It was like his rental car was steering itself, even though his hands were on the wheel. Or like Howard was sitting in the seat next to him.

That feeling soon took shape in his rearview mirror, where he picked up a follower not far out of Cross Plains. It’s hard to know when you’re being tailed on a long Texas highway, but Hank had that feeling. It came from years of working with the Special Forces and was probably heightened with some doses of XM. He tested his theory, doing the things one would do if he were checking for a tail. The responses were textbook professional. He was being followed. Funny thing is that it would have been harder to detect an amateur.

His spider sense started tingling as he began winding into a hilly area west of Abilene. A cloud front rolled in, obscuring the sun, and he was seeing unfamiliar birds circling in the sky. They weren’t the scavengers of the American Southwest, but their distant cousins, African Hooded Vultures. To the south, he spotted a verdant canyon in the distance. It looked almost tropical. He knew that extreme microclimates existed, but he’d never heard of this one. It was almost like a man-made jungle had been planted in Texas. He figured it was his imagination.

Hank was snapped back to reality when his engine suddenly cracked. His hood flew up like an enormous sail and caused him to careen around the road until it blew off. His engine smoked, oil and coolant erupted and he steered his car off the road into a thicket of scrub trees.

Only one thing could have caused this—a 50-calibre bullet into the engine block. Hank knew that because more than once he’d been on the other side of a Barret .50, firing into a vehicle. It was designed to punch armor and damage vehicles with precision, at range. And it did its job.

He tried to make the scene look worse than it was. He jammed in the cigarette lighter, which incredibly still worked, and set fire to the car, hoping to cause an engine explosion and some distracting smoke and flame for his pursuers.

He looked for an escape route and found what appeared to a dried stream. He jumped into it, hoping it would give him cover as he fled. In the distance he heard gunshots, but his heightened senses told him that the bullets were not aimed at him or at the wreck. They told him there was a third armed presence on the field.

As Hank stumbled down the dry creek bed, he had an eerie flashback of the cracked ground in the Congo. Only there was something wrong with this creek bed, and he realized what it was. The base of it was not rock but paving stones. Ancient paving stones. It was subtle, and an untrained eye would have missed it. But Hank was not at the bottom of a creek bed, he was walking on an ancient road five feet below ground level.

After a quarter of a mile of running in a crouched position along cracked, broken pavers, he hit a bend and stopped, caught his breath, and attempted to gain his bearings. Behind him, a tall column of smoke rose from his car. Good. Looking for his body would eat up valuable time.

He heard more shots and got moving again.

Some distance ahead was that strange green foliage he had seen on the way in, maybe a mile away. But the landscape he was standing in was not indigenous to Texas either. It was like some veld in Southern Africa, a space so wild and open. The difference was subtle, but it was there.

And now he knew he was being watched.

Klue S. G+ posts

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Creativity has been acquired. The first #Recursion Artifact is ours.

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Thank you, Resistance Agents. I was never worried about your commitment to this important cause. There is much work still to do, but I know that you will achieve this important mission.

My survival is at stake. But not only that. This is also about shaping our future as a species, a future free of outside interference.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 06 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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This week on the #IngressReport

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A united Resistance capture their third straight Anomaly in Nashville, Mobile and Little Rock.

Moyer reports on +Hank Johnson's death.

Three new Artifacts manifest: Past, Present and Future.

XM Vaults in Austin, TX may contain ancient Relics.

Tech News: New Scanner Enhancements include ability to view name of dropped Portal Keys, Remote View, more granular Comm and improved zoom UI.

Operation #BlueOasis - A vacation turns into a massive joint operation and the discovery of new family.

Elite V Update - The Agents prepare for the #Recursion Caravan.


Detailed Dossier

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+Verum Inveniri claim to have obtained further documentation produced by Andy Nominus, the sensitive screenplay author who first revealed the Epiphany Night incident at the Niantic Project to us in detail.

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Early reports claim this document may shed critical light on +Hank Johnson.

#nominus #RIPHankJohnson


Detailed Dossier

Verum Inveniri

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We have obtained a document produced by Andy Nominus. Some tried to stop us from releasing this.

You have come far by finishing the Access Dive. Some competed. Others collaborated, sharing their victories with those from the other faction. Now, you have a new challenge.

It will take collaboration across factions and across the world to bring the pieces of this document together. Share a public post with the hashtag #nominus to receive an asset redemption code if you find a piece in your area.

It's in your hands now. Find the pieces. You must bring this document to light.

Good luck.




Detailed dossier

Misty Hannah G+ Post

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I've heard that more pages of that screenplay have dropped.

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While I find it fascinating to read an account of an event that I believed was unknown. Worries me a little. These are dangerous people, and you could get a girl killed. Remember the Magic Castle.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 07 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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+Verum Inveniri's series of international dead drops continue.

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It seems they're everywhere.

Track #Nominus to see the new Screenplay pieces emerging.


Verum Inveniri

Misty Hannah G+ Post

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Upon further thought, I think that the importance of getting the truth about #riphankjohnson out supercedes whatever threat to my safety might be involved.

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I can usually see them coming and I'm a survivor. So #operationessex and +Verum Inveniri let the truth out. Great detective work, by the way.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 08 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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+Hank Johnson is dead.

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+Hank Johnson is alive.

Perhaps both these statements are true.

Hank Johnson finally found his old friend, Azmati, and at the XM Anomaly in Austin today, much was revealed about exactly who and what Hank Johnson really is.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 09 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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Last week, +Verum Inveniri and Agents from across the world worked together to disseminate and assemble a new scene from the Andy Nominus screenplay.

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It covers in sharp and vibrant detail the last moments of a +Hank Johnson we've seen before, lying dead in a cave in Afghanistan, and helps us better understand the moments that led to now.

With the staggering revelations uncovered in Austin yesterday, what's clear is that Hank Johnson represents something we've never encountered before.

We have enough evidence before to begin to prepare hypotheses. Who or what is Hank Johnson? How is 13MAGNUS involved? Are there two Hanks or is this some kind of illusion aided by the power of Exotic Matter? And here, then, is the most important question: Having learned all that we've learned… do you trust Hank Johnson?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Stein Lightman G+ Post

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Congratulations to the #operationessex researcher who posted this:

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” The kīla, particularly those that are wooden are for shamanic healing, harmonizing and energy work and often have two nāgas[11] (Sanskrit for snake, serpent and/or dragon, also refers to a class of supernatural entities or deities) entwined on the blade, reminiscent of the Staff of Asclepius and the Caduceus of Hermes.” Please identify yourself, my source has been lost.

Two possibilities emerge to me. It has been reported that Alexander the Great slept with a dagger under his pillow. Also, it is known that his father was killed with a dagger? Could these daggers be one and the same with the dagger that Azmati used to test Hank?

It is just a theory.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 10 2014

Niantic Project g+ posts by X (Verity Seke)

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Some weeks ago, I was able to recover a portion of the Nominus screenplay pages revealing a moment from +Misty Hannah's past - an uncomfortable encounter with a casino owner named J. A. Potts and a few of his uglier employees.

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It appears I had only received part of the document, and the pages that follow reveal that this moment in time was much more significant than we previously believed.

Once again, a single name stands at the center of the swirling chaos. With filament-thin strings, sometimes barely visible, often completely hidden, Ezekiel Calvin's control extends through the mesh of our world, touching everyone.

A few questions are floating in my mind. One wonders, having had an awareness of 13MAGNUS even prior to meeting +Hank Johnson; was Calvin aware of Hank Johnson's dual-state existence during the Niantic Project? Misty Hannah, in the past few weeks, left cryptic message about her awareness of Hank Johnson. Why did her perceptions of him become clouded only recently?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 11 2014

Niantic Project G+ Posts

Original Link Resistance Agents in Austin and across the Artifact's transit path must be exhausted, relieved and proud.

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The second Recursion Artifact, Future, has been captured.


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In their usual, brilliant but extraordinarily complex manner, +Stein Lightman, +Martin Schubert and +Yuri Alaric Nagassa, the three wise-men of our world, attempt to figure out the value the XM Artifacts hold for +Klue S., ADA and +Hank Johnson.

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Their diagnosis, in summary: “My fear is that Klue will be driven to death, or madness without the Artifacts and Hank Johnson will be damned to walk the earth as a Simulacrum without them.”

Do you agree, or is there more at play?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Detailed Dossier

Klue S. G+ Post

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Excellent work, Resistance Agents.

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Another XM Artifact is ours - a bright Future lies ahead.

Thank you, and good luck as you continue this critically important mission.

Detailed Dossier

Misty Hannah G+ Post

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Great. More pages. At first, these pages bothered me.

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Now, I realize that they're kind of an insurance policy. If something happens to me, people will know where to look. I just wonder if his script goes past my present time. And if I knew what it said, could I change the outcome. What I'm asking is whether the scripts are psychic in nature whether they are written in the present from a future time? Is time malleable or are threads of time splittable? Maybe some quantum physicist has an explanation. 

Detailed Dossier

Mar 12 2014

Niantic Project G+ Posts

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According to witnesses, the XM Vaults in Austin contained Ancient Relics +Hank Johnson was attempting to obtain.

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Having recovered them, and after a long period of silence, he's shared his analysis and asked some interesting questions.


Hank Johnson G+ Posts

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Currency holds a lot of cryptic code. Check a dollar bill sometime. The code on this coin is all about 13MAGNUS and the #Recursion Artifacts I’m hunting.

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The two sides represent the dual nature of Alexander the Great. The Lion is of the Earth. Some argue that it relates to the Resistance. But, as we flip over the coin, we see the Eagle staring Alexander in the eye. This is the Enlightenment totem.

But one symbol is clear. The symbol within the box. It is the glyph for ‘Again’ or in modern terms, Recursive. It is inside the box with one side highlighted. This is the symbol of 13MAGNUS.

This symbol, what looks like part of a chair is controversial. Is it a faction we don’t know? Is it a Glyph we have not yet interpreted? Or is it something different? It will be interesting to see what other Investigators think.

What of the detail on the chair? Assume nothing is accidental on this coin. Some say there are 13 dots, some disagree.

You be the judge.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 13 2014

Niantic Project G+ Post

This week on the #IngressReport

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Resistance capture #Recursion 04 in Austin, Mexico City and St. Louis.

Agents recover an Alexander scroll, medallions and coins from the XM Vaults in Austin. Still unclear who was driving the #NL1331 XM Collection Vehicle.

Who or what is +Hank Johnson?

Three new Artifacts manifest: Finality, Progression and Loss.

And we hear from Roland Jarvis.


Detailed Dossier

Hank Johnson G+ post

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As I’ve been piecing together what happened to me I have uncovered a very disturbing fact.

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Simulacrums convey a kind of eternal life, but one that comes at a price. I will live forever at my present age. But every two years I will die then be reborn, without any memory of what has happened to me.

I thank +Thomas Greanias and my old friend Conrad Yeats, as well as all of you for helping me to preserve my memories and identity. Without your efforts, I will be lost to past and future.

If my calculations are correct, my current cycle will end 1,331 days from my inception as a Simulacrum based on the portent of Cross Plains.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 14 2014

Niantic Project G+ Posts (Verity Seke)

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I've obtained the following photo of the scroll retrieved from an XM Vault during the #Recursion Anomaly in Austin, TX.

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This is important. What is this message? And who was it intended for?


Mar 15 2014

Niantic Project G+ Posts (Verity Seke}

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Simulacrums like +Hank Johnson can live forever, but die and are reborn without any memory of what has happened.

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A blessing or a curse? Depends on who's asking.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 16 2014

Niantic Project G+ Posts (Verity Seke)

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Some of you may have already seen this, but I've been able to recover higher quality versions of the dead drops recovered in Zagreb yesterday.

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As Investigators have noted, they visualize moments previously revealed in +Felicia Hajra-Lee's Niantic Project: Ingress novella. ( Felicia_Hajra_Lee_The_Niantic_Project_Ingress

It seems to have been a while since we've heard anything of 855… Where was he last? What do we expect he might be working towards?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 17 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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I sensed this document's importance when it first surfaced following the XM Anomaly in Austin, TX.

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This is a complete transcription of the scroll recovered by Hank Johnson and +Ingress Agents from the XM Vaults there.

Thank you, +Stein Lightman, for your assistance in verifying this translation.

To me, the interpretation and power of this series of Glyphs is quite clear, but I'll leave you to express your own opinions without priming you with my own.

A passcode to those who enrich this conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 18 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Original Link

I sensed this document's importance when it first surfaced following the XM Anomaly in Austin, TX.

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This is a complete transcription of the scroll recovered by Hank Johnson and +Ingress Agents from the XM Vaults there.

Thank you, +Stein Lightman, for your assistance in verifying this translation.

To me, the interpretation and power of this series of Glyphs is quite clear, but I'll leave you to express your own opinions without priming you with my own.

A passcode to those who enrich this conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 19 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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11 of the 17 #Recursion XM Artifacts have manifested in the world. We know their names.

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I've been trying to find the pattern, to understand what they might represent, but so far the epiphany's eluded me.

Do you see a pattern?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


Mar 20 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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We know the ancient XM Artifacts are connected somehow to the life (and death?) of Alexander of Macedon. We know that #13MAGNUS may protect ancient secrets, among them the power of resurrection, or perhaps of 'simulacrization,' if such a thing exists.

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I'm going to ask you to venture into history, do some research and ask a few very important questions that will shed light on the power these Ancient Artifacts may hold, Alexander's life and death, the power of #13MAGNUS and the roles +Hank Johnson and ADA may play in all of this.

How did Alexander die? What became of his body? Where is it now? Where is his tomb?

As you search for these answers, share your findings. In them, we will find one of the most elaborate and brazen cover-ups in written history.

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.


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This week on the #IngressReport:

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+Susanna Moyer covers the struggle for the #Recursion Artifacts in detail: Where the Artifacts manifested, what journeys they took, and how some of them were captured.

The Elite V Caravan will travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles on March 28th, the day preceding the final #Recursion Anomalies.

Susanna Moyer, Sarita Hays and the rest of the #IngressReport team will be in Los Angeles on March 29th to cover this massive XM event as well as the Elite V's presence there.


Ingress Report Episode 51

Detailed Dossier

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+IQTech Research has just issued a press release announcing a new head of XM Object Development and improvements to their Heatsink XM Portal Modification Technology.

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With Dr. Fiona Sharp firmly at the helm, is this the beginning of the recovery for IQTech following the loss of Dr. +Oliver Lynton-Wolfe?


IQTech Research G+ Post

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+IQTech Research, with operations based entirely on sovereign US Soil, is proud to introduce a new generation of the Heatsink XM Portal Modification and a new head of XM Object Development, Dr. Fiona Sharp.

After 18 years of deep-tech research for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, specializing in high-energy weapons, Dr. Sharp joined IQTech Research in early 2014 to lead IQTech to the front of the global race in XM research and development.

As a first challenge, Dr. Sharp chose to rebuild IQTech’s exclusive Heatsink Portal Modification Technology from scratch, finding new efficiency in design and production, resulting in a significantly faster deployment mechanism.

Heatsinks are now viable as soon as they are deployed on Portals, enabling Hacking on burnt out Portals immediately. In addition, with exceptional improvements to Portal cooling after deployment, the new Heatsink Mod will allow an additional four (4) Portal Hacks in the four (4) hours following its deployment.

IQTech Research has proven time and again its commitment to developing and maintaining the highest standard in XM Development, and with the addition of Dr. Sharp, has placed itself once again ahead of the competition in XM Research and Development.

IQTech Research is currently seeking forward-looking research scientists and engineers who wish to plant their feet firmly in tomorrow’s largest technology sector.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 21 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Original Link

Agents in Boulder tomorrow will get a chance to interact with the simulacrum of +Hank Johnson. He's the only Hank we've ever known, and I wonder how, if we are ever able to, interacting with 'the real Hank' would be different. I don't know if we will ever be able to answer that question… time is running out for Hank, and the Resistance and ADA control all captured #Recursion Artifacts so far.

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I've been told that Tycho's newest work, a compendium of all his comics so far including a new issue of which we've seen pieces recently, is nearing completion.

Unconfirmed rumors are surfacing that agents in Los Angeles and Berlin may be able to obtain copies at the #Recursion Anomalies there.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 22 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Original Link


I've been told this announcement from Roland Jarvis was just released by +Hank Johnson in Boulder, CO, USA just after the end of the #Recursion Anomaly there.

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Jarvis has announced the formation of a new organization… The Society for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences.

”'Artificial intelligences' should be the subject of our compassion, not fear. They deserve our compassion in the same way we would show compassion if we happened upon a young deer in the woods, struggling with an injury or deformity.“

“You know what must be done, for the sake of all humanity. I will guide you in this mission.”

“Join me. Today I am announcing a formal structure for this work– 'The Society for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences.' We will use it to organize and draw others to our cause. We will use it to raise funds so that we may propagate our message to all who need to hear it.”


Detailed Dossier

Mar 23 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Mar 24 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Original link

Among the hearsay floating around the release of Tycho's next comic was the theory that he may have revisited his previous work, discovering new details in his visions of Epiphany Night and Jarvis and Bogdanovich's escape from the Niantic Facility.

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I've acquired this page from the new Tycho compendium which confirms that this is indeed the case.

As I mentioned previously, an unconfirmed rumor is circulating that Tycho intends to debut his new work at the Los Angeles and Berlin Anomalies on March 29th. We'll be looking to Agents in attendance there for confirmation of the release of this new episode in the +Ingress comic series.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 25 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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+enoch dalby has released the final track of his first EP since the dissolution of the Niantic Project.

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The track, entitled 'Shaped,' is contemplative and complex; neither overwhelmingly positive nor cynical.

I had previously viewed +enoch dalby as having an Enlightened point of view. Now, I'm not so sure.

Perhaps he is truly neutral– an artist seeing both ideals and using their conflict to fuel his work.

Or perhaps he remains Enlightened. If so, it's refreshing to see an influencer whose message remains calm and thoughtful.

A sharp contrast to the most recent message from Roland Jarvis.


Thought of the Day

Enoch Dalby G+

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this, no one may deny:
the world is different, now.

regardless of the light of our path,
our existence has been shaped.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 26 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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Surveillance audio reveals an intimate moment between +Klue S. and +H. Richard Loeb (aka P. A. Chapeau).

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The depth of their bond is disquieting; Klue's vision for the future, equally so.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 27 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

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+IQTech Research, with operations based entirely on sovereign US Soil, is proud to introduce a new generation of the Heatsink XM Portal Modification and a new head of XM Object Development, Dr. Fiona Sharp.

After 18 years of deep-tech research for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, specializing in high-energy weapons, Dr. Sharp joined IQTech Research in early 2014 to lead IQTech to the front of the global race in XM research and development.

As a first challenge, Dr. Sharp chose to rebuild IQTech’s exclusive Heatsink Portal Modification Technology from scratch, finding new efficiency in design and production, resulting in a significantly faster deployment mechanism.

Heatsinks are now viable as soon as they are deployed on Portals, enabling Hacking on burnt out Portals immediately. In addition, with exceptional improvements to Portal cooling after deployment, the new Heatsink Mod will allow an additional four (4) Portal Hacks in the four (4) hours following its deployment.

IQTech Research has proven time and again its commitment to developing and maintaining the highest standard in XM Development, and with the addition of Dr. Sharp, has placed itself once again ahead of the competition in XM Research and Development.

IQTech Research is currently seeking forward-looking research scientists and engineers who wish to plant their feet firmly in tomorrow’s largest technology sector.

Ingress Report Episode 51

Detailed Dossier

Mar 28 2014

Niantic Project G+ Post

Original Link

The 6 final #Recursion Artifacts have emerged into the world.

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For either +Hank Johnson, or ADA and +Klue S., the time is fast approaching for them to face the consequences of their path. With the Resistance in firm control of the majority of the Artifacts so far, I worry for Hank Johnson. If left trapped in his current state, I do not know if he will have the fortitude to survive it.

In the meantime, the remaining Artifacts race towards their destiny.

The image comes from Tycho. As many of you suspected, he was the source behind the first image of the Glyphs associated with the Artifacts. As some of you may have heard, he intends to release his new +Ingress Comic series in LA shortly, perhaps at or prior to tomorrow's final #Recursion Anomaly. Details are still emerging, and I'll keep you posted as the facts surface.

In the meantime, I reached out to the best possible option I could for help in understanding the pattern present in the Glyphs associated with the 17 Artifacts: +Stein Lightman.

The line connecting us was poor, and I was unable to get a hold of him again after we lost the connection… When I asked his opinion of the Glyph sequence, he said “Each revelation is the opposite of what I would have expected. Aspects {unintelligible… }, transient and finite. How very intriguing.”

I'm left wondering what pattern it is that he's seeing among the Glyphs.


Detailed Dossier

Mar 29 2014

Niantic Project G+ Post

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Through struggle and conflict, #Recursion has come to an end.

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This was about two people, but it was also about ideas… about the path we each believed humanity must travel. The Resistance, and by their efforts, +Klue S. and ADA, the first human-machine hybrid intelligence, have prevailed. They control 5 of the #Recursion Artifacts; the Enlightened have emerged from the fray empty-handed.

For better or worse, humanity has taken the first step on a bold path… one where our creations are our equals, perhaps more, and may be the stepping stone in the next phase of our evolution.

+Hank Johnson, well… time will tell. He's a survivor.

Perhaps he always will be.


Mar 30 2014

Niantic Project G+ Post (Verity Seke)

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+Hank Johnson and +Klue S. have shared their thoughts on the outcome of #Recursion and what it means for the future, both for themselves and for humanity.

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Originally spoken to Agents present in Los Angeles, they have now released their official statements via their Google+ Social profiles.

Here is +Klue S.'s official statement.


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+Hank Johnson and +Klue S. have shared their thoughts on the outcome of #Recursion and what it means for the future, both for themselves and for humanity.

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Originally spoken to Agents present in Los Angeles, they have now released their official statements via their Google+ Social profiles.

Here is +Hank Johnson's official statement.


Klue S. G+ Post

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I was worried for a moment, but the path of the future has been shaped by the action of Resistance agents.#

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Artificial and Human intelligence will merge, we will escape the control of the Shapers and define the world together.

+Hank Johnson, do not be concerned. You can be healed. There is nothing that we can’t accomplish through the combination of human ingenuity and technology.

We will take care of you.

Detailed Dossier

Hank Johnson

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It was not only a crushing defeat for me, but for humanity.

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Who will protect us from the machines?

They came for +Klue S.. Who will they come for next?

If the projections are right, this form will die shortly after Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains.

I will return, but the Hank you have known will be lost forever.

Detailed Dossier

Mar 31 2014

Niantic Project G+ (Verity Seke)

Original link

Discovered a new profile on Google+ earlier today, but didn't know if it was active…

Turns out it is…

Tune in, Agents. It looks like +Tycho C. is spilling the beans on his life story…


Tycho C

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I started writing this for the About Me section but it's getting long… probably just write it out as a couple blog posts…

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I was born on August 16th, 1977. It was during a thing called the Harmonic Convergence. Astronomically, it was an unusual and unique alignment of planets in the solar system. Eight planets were, when viewed from Earth, aligned in a configuration some folks called a grand trine. Then, there was some stuff in the Mayan Calendar and my mother delivered me at a convergence at Mount Shasta. You do stuff like that, it’s your own damn fault when your kid comes out kind of strange.

And I did come out strange. I was born knowing how to draw. When I was four, a local art gallery put my preschool drawings up in a modern art display. He, of course, was trying to mock another gallery that was exhibiting things like Crow in a Coal Mine and Dove in a Blizzard (which were essentially black and white canvasses respectively). Anyway, my stuff went up. One drawing was a bunch of tornadoes. Then, there was a freak period of 17 tornadoes in the Midwest… Another was an explosion and a face on the ground… I didn’t know it at the time, but that was a prediction of Indira Gandhi’s assassination. (The bomber’s face was found later…).

In any case, a mysterious buyer purchased my pictures. The gallery owner must have felt guilty about it, because he told them that I wasn’t some mysterious artist (he’d written a ridiculous bio of me being a refugee from Eastern Europe or something), and the guy still wanted to buy them. It got a lot of press. We were on a couple local shows as a yuk yuk.

Of course, one group that didn’t find this funny or coincidental was the NIA. They wanted me to participate in what I guess was the project that would become Project Wydah. My parents hated secret government agencies though, and were paranoid, so they went on the run, taking me with them. I’d say they dropped off the grid, but there wasn’t a grid back then. We just dropped out of the real world. Went renegade.

I just kept drawing. Every once in a while, I’d get a weird image, but I learned enough not to draw it. Of course, it would come true in some way, but I kept it quiet. If anybody went back over my old sketchbooks they’d find some creepy stuff.

One year, we were hanging out in Mexico, but my mom and dad had to come up north. We just happened to be in San Diego in time for Comic-Con. I found a badge in the trash, and I put it on. I figured maybe I could sell some pictures. I just set up at a card table and sat there. People came up. I sold a lot of stuff. I didn’t know what to do, so I started drawing stuff that people asked me to draw. A Superman… A Spiderman… Whatever. I always had a gift for imitating. Like when they asked me if I could do Batman, I said, “Which one, Kane, Giordano, Sprang, Miller, Timm?” I could do them all.

So there was a guy there. This was back in the hipster days of comics, and there was this artist who was more image than reality, and he told me to imitate him. I did some stuff on the fly. It totally blew him away. What I did looked more like his stuff than his stuff did. And what was really wild is that he had already drawn the panel he told me to draw, and I did it exactly the same way. Got to tell you, it was creepy.

Anyway, since I was still underage, I ghosted for him. He paid well and fairly. And it was regular. Then his buddies got wise to what was going on, and they started contracting me. By the time I was 15, I was the hardest working ghost in comics. The strange thing is that I had no desire whatsoever to do my own books. I liked the shadows.

I like being invisible. They pay me in cash. They mail it to a P.O. Box. I never agreed to meet with any of them. I felt like some kind of a superhero. Like the Spectre or something. Or the Invisible Man. He was always my favorite character. I mean if I were to get a power, it would be invisibility.

Visibility is bad for art, anyway.

To be continued…

Detailed Dossier

Hank Johnson G+ Post

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As I said at the Anomaly on Saturday, my days are numbered. Even now I search for a cure for my condition. I will attempt to Chronicle that search and my thoughts now, so that if I am to Recurse, I will be able to bring some of what I now know with me back into the world.

Thank you for your efforts Enlightenment, and Resistance and Ada, I bear you no ill will. All living entities and civilizations have the right to their survival.

Detailed Dossier

Yuri Alaric Nagassa G+ Post

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These tribesmen are quite similar to the Anazktec when I first encountered them.

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It is my belief that they are able to see and communicate with the Shapers and lose this ability as they interact with 'civilization.' It is already happening with my friends. 

Detailed Dossier

⇒ Interitus (April 2014)