- The glyph dot representations are from Daniel Beaudoin. You can see his work in the Glyphtionary (based on this post and this.
- Another version of the Glyphtinonary made by Anthony Castanza
- A portable version for agents can be found here done by James Marshall.
- A quick reference page can be found here , made by Hugo Neves. The glyphs on this one were made using this made by Daniel Benton
From the package for Carrie Campbell
The high resolution ones were obtained from the The Glyph Hunt
Original Link
ID - 09386692
ID - 20416054
ID - 21541921
ID - 30694475
ID - 32269976
ID - 33498241
ID - 36113327
This was the first glyph found to ever be reported as one.
Meaning - Creativity / Mind / Idea / Thought
ID - 40802470
ID - 41420244
ID - 43993683
ID - 48641893
ID - 51859667
ID - 55809112
ID - 58045654
ID - 63106520
ID - 64383196
ID - 73903955
ID - 90597063
ID - 97249693
ID - 99901612
From the comic book
Comic 1
This one can be found in the Time
Create / Creation
This one can be found in the Chase
This one can be found in the Early
This one can be found in the Angel
This one can be found in the Exit Gate
This one can be found in the Great Escape
This one can be found in the Welcome Aboard
This one can be found in the Artistic License
This one can be found in the Murder
Save / Rescue
This one can be found in the Sacrifice. Translation possible due to the message in the border and obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
From 13Magnus
This one can be found in the Inquisitorial Contact
This one can be found in the Inquisitorial Contact
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
This one can be found in the 13Magnus Glyph Message from San Francisco
The Lightman Decipherments
With the reveal of the Lightman Decipherments some new glyphs showed up
Also a image with all the pages was posted in PAC's board
Harmony / Peace
Change / Modify
Opening / Doorway / Portal
Being / Human
Seen in Lightman's cover photo
Translation obtained from Omnivore document
Seen in Lightman's cover photo
Translation obtained from Omnivore document
First seen in Lightman's cover photo
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
First seen in Lightman's cover photo
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
Shaper / Collective
First seen in A XM Presence video static
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
Translation obtained fromDr. Lightman post
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
Me / I / Myself
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
You / Other
Translation obtained from Dr. Lightman post
Found in Chicago photo
Not / No / Absent
Found in Chicago photo
Video sources
The Glyphs Sequence - End / Close
The Glyphs Sequence - Mind / Idea / Thought
The Glyphs Sequence - Soul / Spirit / Life Force
The Glyphs Sequence - Body / Shell
Carrie Campbell Chicago - Difficult
This one can be found in the Carrie Campbell Chicago video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
Carrie Campbell Chicago - Deteriorate / Erode
This one can be found in the Carrie Campbell Chicago video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
enoch dalby - redemption - We / Us
This one can be found in the enoch dalby - redemption video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
enoch dalby - redemption - Lead
This one can be found in the enoch dalby - redemption video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
enoch dalby - redemption - Improve
This one can be found in the enoch dalby - redemption video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
NOMAD - 13Magnus - Harm
This one can be found in the Hank Johnson's NOMAD: #13MAGNUS video
Meaning obtained from Dr. Lightman G+ post
Messages using glyphs (glyph sequences)
So far although the glyphs have showed up in some documents. There were videos where a full message has showed up in :
In both cases the message can be translated to Open All - Pursue - Enlighten / Enlightened - Liberate - Government / City / Civilization /Structure - Attack / war - Attack / war - Attack / war
Later another Ingress report would have another glyph message.
Victory - Victory - Civilisation / Structure - Perfection - Harmony / Peace - Harmony / Peace
After that two videos came out that the full translation was only obtained on the 13th of September
- Carrie Campbell Chicago - Seek / Search - Seek / Search - Answer - Seek / Search - Difficult - Answer - Deteriorate / Erode - Self - Destroy/Destruction
- The Glyphs Sequence - Open All - Clear All -End / Close - All - Open - Mind / Idea / Thought - Open - Soul / Spirit / Life Force - Open - Body / Shell - Begin
Enoch Dalby - redemption video made available on the 22nd of November but the translation was only possible in the 25th.
Help us, lead us, improve us, liberate us.
Truthseekers -
The glyph sequence ADA showed to Klue -[]=glyph&s[]=sequence#guardians_and_hunters