User Tools

Searching the Wiki

Tag Search Feature

Defaults to OR - use checkbox for AND

Advanced Tag Searching

How to use tags which consist of multiple words?
Just use an “_”, it gets automatically replaced by a ” ” i.e.:
Also, quotes seem to work:
{{tag>"tag with multiple words"}}

{{topic>[audio]&[&table&showdate&nouser&sort]}} - lists all pages with the audio tag, sorted and 
showing date but not user
{{topic>tag1 -tag2}} – Lists all pages tagged with tag1 but not with tag2.
{{topic>tag1 +tag2}} – Lists all pages tagged with tag1 and tag2.
{{topic>tag1 tag2}} – Lists all pages tagged with either tag1 or tag2 or both.
{{topic>ns1?tag1 tag2}} – List all pages inside namespace ns1 tagged with either tag1 or tag2
{{topic>.?tag1 tag2}} – List all pages inside the current namespace tagged with either tag1 or tag2
{{topic>tag1 tag2 tag3&nodate&desc&sort}} (Adding pagelist options to change the design)