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Ken Owen - Detailed Dossier

Ken Owen is the third Director of the NIA after Yuen Ni and Jay Phillips.

Reference Files

File/Clue Name Key Concepts Information from File/Clue Date Presented
Ingress Report 33 At the end of the report there is a short clip In the ending footage one can see what looks like Susanna Moyer being trained to answer questions before the Ingress Report was created. She refers to the person off screen as Mr Owen 7 November 2013
New Boss Chat between Owen and Phillips Ken Owen and Jay Phillips discussing a change in NIA leadership 30 October 2013
Be goodConversation between Owen and CalvinOwen and Calvin discuss what path to follow after the events of 13Magnus, discussing people like Susanna Moyer, Phillips and Lorazon 31 December 2013
Managing VictoriesChat between Owen and Moyer Ken Owen and Susanna Moyer about Jarvis apparent victory and domain over OLW6 January 2014
SeparationChat between Owen and CalvinThey decide their action about the regional-conflict-analysis and that NIA and IQ-tech should release it before Visur and Hulong can use it13 January 2014
Carrot and StickCalvin and Owen seek to calm the waters.Calvin and Owen team up once again to prevent the assassinations of Susanna and Hank.7 February 2014
HousekeepingMore evidence sheds light on the Las Vegas incident.This transcript shows a person with a redacted name asking Ken Owen for help with clean up at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas11 February 2014
TychoTycho's new work causes old conflicts in the NIA to resurface.Jay Phillips confronts Ken Owen about Tycho and his hide in plain site method of dealing with Tycho's revelations.23 February 2014

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