Missions were first hinted about through various g+ posts and at the D.I.C.E Europe 2014 conference.
The September 25, 2014 Ingress report contained a broad introduction to missions. The g+ Ingress account posted a formal introduction of missions along with the link to the September 25 Ingress report and was “signed” by John Hanke.
The Ingress Mission Help provides a basic overview of missions.
Playing a Mission
See the detailed dossier for more information.
Creating a Mission
As of October 3, 2014, Mission creation is in beta.
A small number have been given the access to the mission creator tool. According to the Ingress Help Missions Page : “Create Missions - At this time, the ability to create new Missions is limited to a small group of Agents who are working to bring high-quality Missions to as many places as possible. Stay tuned.”
Agent Andrew Krug has created a video with some basics of creating missions.
See the detailed dossier for more information.
Mission Directory
See the detailed dossier for more information.
News Articles About Missions
work in progress links to use
mention of mission in INgress report - https://plus.google.com/u/0/103320655754019011706/posts/ZAqNtpZTiWE