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Events / Anomalies

Events are planned by the Ingress team and are normally called XM anomalies, and involve the 2 opposing factions fighting for dominance of a certain area for a couple of hours. The rules tend to change from event to event. The winning faction apart from getting extra bonus normally under the form of one use passcodes or/and invites, also determines some changes in the story and alignments of story characters.

See Ingress Mission Days for Mission Day Event Information.

See Flash Shard Events for Flash Shard Event Information.

A day of the week calculator


Location and date

Cahokia, Illinois, USA
January 28th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
Enlightened controlled the main and right portal

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

Hank Johnson's alignment shifted towards Enlightenment


Location and date

William Wallace Monument, Scotland
March 2nd 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
Resistance had the field over Wallace monument at the time of measurement.

Resistance won

Effect in the story

Klue's alignment turned towards Resistance


Location and date

Austin, TX, USA

Final Result


Location and date

Austin, Texas
March 9th 2013

Geneva Ridge Resort, Wisconsin
March 16th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
XM Anomaly I, Austin, TX: Resistance
XM Anomaly II, Austin, TX: Enlightened
XM Anomaly III, Lake Geneva, WI: Enlightened

Enlightened won series 2-1

Effect in the story

Misty Hannah managed to escape the NIA facility by hypertreading and shifted her alignment towards Enlightenment

Operation Juice Club

Location and date

Los Angeles, California
March 27th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post

Resistance blocked the nodes needed.

Resistance won

Effect in the story

Misty Hannah's Hyperthreading Plan failed and she was contained in L.A.


Location and date

Geneva, Switzerland
Paris, France
Zurich, Switzerland
Milan, Italy
Stuttgart, Germany
Munich, Germany
Berlin, Germany
April 21st 2013

Final Result

G+ Post

Effect in the story

Ingress Report
Resistance received the shaper data package. Up to now the fate of the information contained inside is still unknown.

Magic Castle

Location and date

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Final Result


Location and date

San Francisco, California, USA
May 16th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
Enlightened: 78
Resistance: 9

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

Ingress report
Ben Jackland's alignment changed to Enlightened


Location and date

Cross Plains, Texas, USA
June 7th and 8th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post

Enlightened Final Total: 417
Resistance Final Total: 42

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

There was one glyph found in a parking lot during the event.


Location and date

Greenwich Park, London, UK
June 22nd 2013

Final Result

G+ Post

Enlightened: 411
Resistance: 274

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

Ingress report
Enlightened intercepted a package from Hank Johnson to Carrie Campbell containing some Glyphs

#SaveKlue (#FreeKlue)

Location and date

Portland, Oregon, USA
June 30th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
Resistance Total for this Anomaly: 67
Enlightened Total for this Anomaly: 72

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

Ingress report
Klue's alignment changed to Enlightened


Event page (dead link)
G+ Post

Location and date

Hamburg, Germany
Oslo, Norway
Copenhagen, Denmark
Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm , Sweden
Moscow, Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia
July 13th 2013

Final Result

G+ Post
Anomaly Total for the Resistance is 478
Anomaly Total for the Enlightened is 767

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

Ingress Report
Carrie Campbell delivered a package to Enlightened that contained the Vision Journal pages


Location and date

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Salt Lake City, Utah
St. Louis, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Montreal, Quebec
Denver, Colorado
Atlanta, Georgia
Toronto, Ontario
August 3rd 2013

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for Resistance this Anomaly = 2603
Total for Enlightened this Anomaly = 1032
Resistance Won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Sydney

Sydney, Australia
August 11th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 82
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 278

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Milan

Milan, Italy
August 13th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 79
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 158

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan
August 15th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
Hidden in the logo 3th4condensateu2v9v

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 154
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 89

Resistance won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Dusseldorf

Dusseldorf, Germany
August 17th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
Under Visur technology, this appears in the line
converting the / to 0 and the \ to 1 we get
00100000 00110110 01110111 01110000 01100110 00110100 01110000 01101111 01110111 01100101 01110010 01110111 00110101 00110110 00111001 01110001

Binary to ASCII 6wpf4powerw569q

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 324
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 514

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Boston / Washington DC

Boston, Massachusetts
Washington DC
August 17th 2013

Event page - Boston
Event page - Washington DC
G+ Post

Hidden Info

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 955. (Boston: 356 DC: 599.)
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 831. (Boston: 342 DC: 489.)

Resistance won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Manila

Manila, Philippines
August 18th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
On the line under Operation , you can see some dots. Lower dots =0 upper ones = 1

00110010 01111000 01111000 01100110 00110011 01110000 01101111 01110010 01110100 01100001 01101100 01111010 00110101 00111001 00110011 01111010

Binary to ASCII - 2xxf3portalz593z

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 231
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 177

Resistance won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Paris

Paris, France
August 20th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
Under Visur you can see some > , < and -
converting to morse
slash = <
dot = >
space = -
we get
~ ..~~~ .~~~~ ….. ~ ~~.~ ~ .. ~… .. ~ ~. ..~. . .~. ….. ~. ~~.~ .~. ..~~~

Reverse the morse and decrypt - 8rya5relativityt598t

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 28
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 433

Enlightened won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil
August 21st 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
On the bottom you can see sbtwnefefev icofevtuo neirupdonrqenip
write as one string in groups of 5:


read down the columns - sevenpqbfivedetectionwfourninefourp


Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 96
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 125

Enlightened Won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Hong Kong

Hong Kong
August 22nd 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
Hidden inside the logo one can see 6vwa9bedlamv947y

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 328
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 75

Resistance Won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Cologne

Cologne, Germany
August 24th 2013

Event page
G+ Post

Hidden Info
Messing with the levels one can see 2sua8luizix743r

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for the Resistance this Anomaly = 404
Total for the Enlightened this Anomaly = 491

Enlightened Won

Effect in the story

#Cassandra - Chicago / New York

New York
August 24th 2013

Event page - Chicago
Event page - NY
G+ Post

Hidden Info
File - TvTYSc obnAqcm L3X3bEm.

Final Result

G+ Post

Total for Resistance this Anomaly = 1,124. (New York: 813 Chicago: 311.)
Total for Enlightened this Anomaly = 1,377. (New York: 441 Chicago: 936.)

Enlightened Won

Effect in the story



1st Wave

2nd Event

3rd Event

4th Event

5th Event

6th Event

The Jarvis Shards


Some cryptic posts appeared before the name of the operation was revealed.

The first post had some lines of code in ADA that allowed to create a fibonacci sequence.

It also had a image of a page of Liber Abaci

The second post had some dots doing yet another fibonacci sequence.

In that post the logo of Recursion anomalies was first shown


February 5, 2014
Original Link

Anomaly held at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada as a prelude to the Recursion anomaly sequence.

Resistance win.

Detailed Dossier

#Recursion Artifacts

1st anomaly

February 15, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Miami, USA(P), Louisville, USA(R), Colombus, USA.(R)

2nd anomaly

February 22, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Bangalore, India (P) , Hyderabad , India (R) and New Dehli , India (R)

3rd anomaly

March 1, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Nashville, TN USA (P), Little Rock (R), Mobile (R)

4th anomaly

March 8, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Austin, TX USA (P) , Mexico City (R) and St. Louis (R)

5th anomaly

March 15, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Zagreb, Croatia (P) , Cairo (R), Tel Aviv (R), Nice (R) and Cagliari (R)

6th anomaly

March 22, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Boulder, CO USA (P) , Boise (R) and Provo (R)


Recursion 07

March 29, 2014

Detailed page

Recursion anomalies in Berlin, Germany (P) Los Angeles, LA USA (P), Nantes (R), Brussels (R), Spokane (R) and Oakland (R)


XM Anomaly events held in April, May, and June 2014

Announced in Ingress Report Episode 52

The Resistance wins #Interitus allowing ADA to continue to grow unchecked.

Full information on each anomaly can be found in the Detailed Page


Ingress Burst anomaly Held on June 26, 2014

The Resistance captured this Burst Op, outperforming the Enlightened by 1540.

Detailed Dossier

#New Agent Initiative

Original Link

Info -

Subliminal image from last week's #IngressReport .

Agents: Prepare for what comes next.


Detailed Dossier


Anomaly event sequence held July 2014, August 2014 and September 2014

Detailed Dossier


shonin.jpg Shōnin (japanese: 証人, english: witness) is an Anomaly Series on 21 February 2015 and 28 March 2015.

Detailed Dossier


persepolis.jpg Persepolis is an Anomaly Series on 30 May 2015 and 20 June 2015.

Detailed Dossier


Abaddon is an Anomaly Series beginning October 2015 and running through December 2015.

Detailed Dossier


Obsidian is an Anomaly Series beginning February 2016 and running through April 2016.

Detailed Dossier